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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dairy Supervisor - Aceh Jaya

Dairy Supervisor

Organization Overview

Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan (JMD),a non-profit foundation registered in Indonesia, provides support for men, women and youth in Aceh striving to build a new future after
2004's devastating tsunami, and after more than 30 years of armed
conflict. The mission is to provide sustainable livelihood programs,
with particular focus on animal husbandry and agricultural
initiatives, as well as livelihood-related and basic education
programs. Goals are to leave the villages served with new small
enterprises firmly established, an educated and skilled workforce,
strong adult role models to mentor local children, and confident men
and women planning futures for themselves, their families, and their
communities. For more information on JMD, please go to the JMD
website at:

Gambaran Organisasi

Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan (JMD), adalah sebuah lembaga nonprofit yang
terdaftar di Indonesia, menyediakan bantuan bagi pria, wanita dan
pemuda di Aceh yang berusaha keras untuk membangun masa depan yang
baru setelah bencana tsunami 2004, dan setelah 30 tahun melalui masa
konflik. Misi JMD adalah untuk menyediakan program mata pencaharian
yang berkepanjangan, dengan focus pada peternakan dan pertanian, juga
mata pencaharian sejenisnya serta program pendidikan dasar. Tujuan
lembaga ini adalah untuk menjadikan desa-desa memiliki usaha kecil
yang berkembang, tenaga kerja yang ahli dan berpendidikan, contoh-contoh peran orang dewasa yang kuat sebagai mentor anak-anak lokal,
pria dan wanita yang percaya diri dalam merencanakan masa depan
mereka, keluarga dan masyarakat. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut
mengenai JMD, dapat diakses melalui website:

Position and Duties

The position of Dairy Supervisor is full-time. Details on reporting,
location and travel, position duties follow, and personal requirements follow.

Jabatan dan Tugas

Jabatan Dairy Supervisor bekerja full-time. Berikut detail mengenai
pelaporan, lokasi dan prjalanan, tugas jabatan, dan persyaratan kualifikasi.


The Dairy Supervisor will report directly to the JMD Associate Director.


Dairy Supervisor akan melapor langsung kepada Associate Director JMD.

Location and Travel

The Dairy Supervisor will be based in Lamthui, Lamno. S/he will be required to
provide their own accommodation and transportation. However, a
transportation allowance will be provided by JMD each month.

Lokasi dan Perjalanan

Dairy Supervisor akan bertempat di Lamthui, Lamno. Dairy Supervisor diminta
menyediakan akomodasi dan transportasi sendiri. Namun, tunjangan
transportasi akan diberikan oleh JMD tiap bulan.

Position Description and Duties

The Dairy Supervisor will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision
of activities at the dairy processing unit in Lamthui, Lamno. While at times
s/he may be directed to perform other duties and responsibilities
which are within her/his training, capacity and competence, specific
duties will include:

Penjelasan Jabatan dan Tugas

Dairy Supervisor akan bertanggung jawab terhadap pengawasan sehari-hari
kegiatan di unit pengolahan susu di Lamthui, Lamno. Disamping itu, Dairy Supervisor
dapat saja diminta untuk melakukan pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab lain dalam
lingkup keterampilan, kapasitas dan kemampuannya, tugas-tugas spesifik meliputi:

Responsible for all aspects of the milk pasturisation process, including
heating and cooling the milk, sterilization of bottles, bottling, packaging, labeling and storage

Bertanggung jawab terhadap semua aspek proses pasteurisasi susu, termasuk
pemanasan san pendinginan susu, sterilisasi botol, pembotolan, pengemasan, pelabelan, dan penyimpanan

Ensuring the dairy unit and equipment is kept clean and sanitised at all times

Memastikan dairy unit dan peralatannya selalu dalam keadaan bersih dan bebas

Keeping daily records of stock in and out of the unit

Membuat catatan harian persediaan masuk dan keluar dairy unit

Ensuring milk is pasturised and stored correctly

Memastikan susu dipasteurisasi dan disimpan dengan benar

The Dairy Supervisor will supervise the day-to-day activities of the
Dairy Assistant

DairySupervisor akan mengawasi kegiatan sehari-hari Dairy Assistant

Provision of regular reports, a schedule for which will be established in
consultation with the Associate Director.

Memberikan laporan rutin, jadwal yang akan dikembangkan dalam konsultasi dengan
Associate Director

Support in the maintenance of clear and regular communications among
Aceh-based staff.

Mendukung dalam menjaga komunikasi reguler yang jelas antar staff yang bertugas
di Aceh.


A candidate for the position of Dairy Supervisor should present with
the following qualifications.

Kandidat untuk posisi Dairy Supervisor diharapkan memiliki kualifikasi berikut:

S1 (Bachelor’s) university degree in a relevant subject,
preferably in Agriculture, Livestock, or Food Technology

Berpendidikan sarjana S1 dalam bidang terkait, diutamakan dalam bidang pertanian
, peternakan, atau teknologi pangan

One year relevant professional experience is desirable

Memiliki satu tahun pengalaman kerja professional lebih diutamakan

Fluent in Bahasa Indonesian and Acehnese

Fasih berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Aceh

Be able to keep records and write reports

Mampu membuat pencatatan dan menulis laporan

Willingness to travel occasionally, including to remote rural areas

Bersedia untuk sering bepergian termasuk ke daerah pedesaan terpencil.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, highlighting their record of
achievement, a CV and contact information before October 5, 2009 to:

Kandidat yang tertarik dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, dengan menyorot
prestasi mereka, daftar riwayat hidup dan alamat yang dapat dihubungi
sebelum 5 Oktober 2009 ke:

Edi Suranta Ginting
Administration Manager
Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan
JL. Soekarno-Hatta, Lrg Tgk Menara VII No. 22 Dusun Melati, Garot,
Banda Aceh, Indonesia 23239

Yayasan Jembatan Masa Depan is an equal opportunity employer.

Forestry Project Assistant - grobogan jawa tengah

Plan Indonesia adalah lembaga kemanusian internasional, dan organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, tanpa afiliasi dengan agama, kepentingan politik dan pemerintah tertentu. Visi Plan adalah terciptanya suatu dunia, dimana semua anak bisa mewujudkan seluruh potensi mereka di dalam masyarakat yang menghormati hak dan martabat manusia.

Kami mengundang generasi muda Indonesia yang jujur, berintegritas tinggi dan memiliki komitmen terhadap pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai:

Forestry Project Assistant
Penempatan di Grobogan Jawa Tengah

Forestry Project Assistant membantu Forestry Project Coordinator dalam implementasi, monitoring & evaluasi dan administrasi proyek Community Forestry for Sustainable Water resources di level desa.

§ Sarjana Ilmu Kehutanan
§ IPK minimal 3.0 (skala 4)
§ Memiliki pengalaman kerja dalam proyek reboisasi, minimum 2 tahun
§ Mampu melakukan implementasi dan monitoring proyek
§ Memiliki pengalaman memfasilitasi masyarakat
§ Memiliki pemahaman dan sensitivitas terhadap budaya lokal
§ Mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
§ Dinamis, berjiwa pemimpin, mampu berkomunikasi dan negosiasi dengan baik
§ Memiliki SIM C dan mampu mengendarai sepeda motor.
§ Mampu mengoperasikan program komputer Ms Office (Ms Word, Power Point & Excel)

Plan Indonesia memberi kesempatan yang sama kepada semua pelamar, baik laki-laki dan perempuan. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diundang untuk seleksi.
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap (curiculum vitae, photo berwarna 3x4, poto copy ijazah, poto copy transkrip nilai, surat keterangan berbadan sehat dari dokter, dan sertifikat yang relevan) paling lambat pada 13 Oktober 2009 ke: HR Recruitment Plan Indonesia; d/a Gedung Menara Duta lt 6 Wing A Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. B-9 Jakarta Selatan, 12920; atau E-mail: HRD.Indonesia@ plan-internation

Sebagai organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, Plan tidak mentoleransi kekerasan terhadap anak. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Plan International silahkan kunjungi website kami di www.plan-internatio


Phase-out Coordinator - Banda Aceh

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based
reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on shelter
construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries
affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2007.
We are also implementing Livelihood, Environmental Health and Disaster
Preparedness Management programs to help families and communities to improve
their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidates
to fill the following position:

Phase-out Coordinator

Based: Banda Aceh

Standard Function Description:

Reporting to the Country Representative (CR), the Phase-Out Coordinator
will be responsible for coordinating and administering phase-out activities
associated with closure of Canadian Red Cross (CRC) operations in Nanggroe
Aceh Darussalam (NAD), including field offices in Lamno and Calang. This
position will act as a focal point for CRC in NAD to ensure an effective and
coordinated phase out process. Duties include monitoring the phase-out
schedule and application of lessons learned, facilitating adaptation of
plans as needed, ensuring good communication with the CR in Jakarta and
partners in NAD, and supporting documentation of good practices and success

Main Duties

* Ensure effective coordination of activities according to phase out
plan and ensure compliance with CRC, IFRC, donor and ethical standards.

* Monitor progress of phase-out activities in each management unit
and allocate resources in a timely and professional manner to support a
smooth process, paying close attention to implementing lessons learned.

* Ensure good coordination among units, and collaborate with managers
to resolve, in a participatory manner, issues associated with phase-out.

* Keep the CR informed of progress and issues, and engage the CR in
decisions that are of potential consequence or opportunity for CRC.

* Represent the CR locally in supporting coordination within the
Movement and act as a focal point for CRC in NAD in relationships with
Government and the communities as directed by CR.

* Seek opportunities and linkages associated with new programs and
continue to strengthen sustainable outcomes.

* Contribute to the development of final communications, including
documentation of lessons learned for phase-out and documentation of case
studies related to programming.

* Perform other work-related duties and responsibilities, including
written reports, as assigned by the CR.

General Duties

* Respects and observes the staff regulations of the CRC in

* Respects and observes the Code of Conduct of the CRC in Indonesia.

* The employee may be asked to perform duties and task not covered
in this job description as well as to provide support to other departments
when necessary.

Position Qualification:

* Master Level of Education of related subject;

* At least 6 years of directly related experience;
* Advanced demonstrated proficiency in written and spoken English and
Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to communicate in Acehnese an asset;
* Work experience in NAD required;
* Excellent program and people management skills;
* Proven effective problem solving skills;
* Excellent communication skills and proven ability to work with a
range of stakeholders and provide leadership in challenging situations;
* Excellent computer skills including Word, Excel, Power Point;
* Ability to work to deadlines and produce accurate work;
* Self starter with initiative to undertake work with minimal
* Experience in the Red Cross Movement required.

Please Notice: Applications should be sent to recruitment. id@redcross. ca
quoting the Ref code as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the Job
title on the covering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb.
Only candidate meeting the Essential Qualifications will be considered.
Applications must be received by Friday, October 12, 2009. Canadian Red
Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender,
religion, or political affiliations.
